Monday, October 6, 2008

Town of New Milford Minutes – Monday, October 6th, 2008

(These minutes are satirical and solely for sample purposes to support the point of this Blog post on drinking liberally in new milford and on My Left Nutmeg)

Town of New Milford Minutes –
Monday, October 6th, 2008

7:00 am - Motion to open by Mayor Patricia Murphy -
Seconded by Stephen Herron. Vote: Unanimous.

7:01 am - Motion to have tea and crumpets by Stephen Herron -
No seconds.

7:02 am - Mayor Murphy motions that we table the tea and crumpets question until there is a study completed on whether or not the tea has finished steeping and if it is feasible to purchase some delicious apple butter for the crumpets. She also proposes hiring a town manager to purchase apple butter and prepare the tea and crumpets for the Town Council.
No seconds.

7:03 am - Stephen Herron cut through the bureaucratic BS and ate the tea and crumpets while New Milford taxpayers launched a lawsuit over an apple butter purchase scandal.
Stephen Herron had seconds.

7:05 am - Motion to close by Stephen Herron
Seconded by Mayor Murphy. Vote: Unanimous.

It ain't that hard...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

edit stuff


